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Plath SFP-5000
Beacon direction finder - not in collection - this page is a stub

SFP-5000 is a MW/SW radio direction finder for beacons (German: Sichtfunkpeiler), developed in the early 1970s by C. Plath GmbH in Hamburg (Germany) for use aboard ships. The device covers a frequency range from 0.3 to 30 MHz. During the 1970s and 80s, it was also used for locating (RDF) clandestine radio stations (pirates) operating on the MW broadcast radio band.

Below is the technical manual for this device. At present, no further information is available.

  1. Plath SFP-5000, Technische Beschreibung Teil 1-3
    Glath GmbH, June 1972.
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