Input/output device · 1939
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EQUIPMENT, was a standard input/output component, used by the US
National Security Agency (NSA)
and its predecessor as a two-way interface with a large number of
cryptanalytic machines
used by the agency.
The unit consists of the three standard commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices
shown in the image below:
an electric regeneration typewriter, or Flexowriter (1) and a paper tape
reader (2) and puncher (3),
both of which could handle 7/8" (22.25 mm) and 11/16" (17.5 mm) tape [1].
The Letterwriter system (CXCO) was unique in that it connected everything
together: analytic machine, electric typewriter, punched paper tape,
punched card and eventually film processing machines. Over the years, a
number of modified and/or improved versions became available.
Although the CXCO is not really a cryptanalytic device, it was used with so
many of the NSA's codebreaking machines,
that it is listed here as a standard component.
The units were originally manufactured by Electromatic Corporation (EC)
— a subsidiary of International Business Machines (IBM).
After antitrust issues had been raised against IBM in the late 1930s,
production was taken over by Commercial Controls Corporation (CCC)
of Rochester (New York, US) — founded by former IBM personnel especially for
this purpose — and became known as Flexowriter [1][3].
This is the original version of which several hundreds were used within NSA.
It was equipped with a 5 & 6-level tape reader and writer, and handled between
4 and 12 characters per second. It was supplied with a dolly on which the
typewriter was placed at the centre.
- CXCO-1
Improved redesigned version with faster typewriter and peripherals.
An NSA document suggests that by 1953, all CXCO equipment was up for
replacement by (or upgrade to) CXCO-1 [2].
- CXCO-2
Similar unit with 15-level tape reader and puncher.
CXCO unit, modified for a specific task.
Also written as MATHEW [2].
Regeneration typewriter with tape reader (withour tape puncher),
that can be used to print text from tape to paper.
Unit for creating punched paper tape directly from the keyboard,
consisting of the same electric typewriter (without the solenoids
for printing) and a tape puncher.
- AFSAF-96
- Letterwriter
- Perforated Tape Equipment
- Flexowriter
- Regeneration typewriter
- Reader
- Punch
Partly declassified by NSA persuant to Executive Order 13526
(24 January 2014 — 16 June 2014).
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